Andrew Rawnsley's expose of the inner workings of Downing Street shall, I suspect, come as a shock to some.
There have, for some time, been questions of the Prime Minister's suitability in office. Andrew Marr famously asked if he was popping pills to survive the stress of being PM. Gordon flatly denied this.
He has done the same with these latest set of accusations.
My favourite, being serialised in the new look Observer, notes how the PM's official car white leather seats are no longer white - stabbed in frustration with a black Biro. Other stories include an ability to hurl Nokias (and fax machines) at unsatisfactory individuals, and of course, diving across the cabinet office table to grab a civil servant by the scruff of their neck.
Rawnsley is tonight standing by his comments: "I haven't become a serious political journalist by making up stories" he told Sky News.
A closer reading of Mandelson's Sunday AM performance as well doesn't flatly deny all the allegations.
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