Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dozens arrested in Manchester race riots

Perhaps the title is slightly misleading. I have considered it for a while. The BBC have a much fuller take on events today.

In essence the more militant right has continued its march, this time with the English Defence League. About a month ago they staged a similar sort of demonstration in Birmingham. They call for a halt to the 'islamatification' of Britain, what ever that is.

I have a journo friend who was there today, said the event was 'hair raising' stuff.

But my favourite take on today's disturbances comes from the as always excellent
Beau Bo D'or blog commenting upon Sky's 'riot cam'.

As always, Sky News: First for Bullshit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Islamification, whatever that is..."

Islamification is the process by which a given set of cultural values and expressions is gradually replaced, by a set of Islamic cultural values and expressions, such as those which are gradually being introduced across Western Europe today. Hope that clears that up for you. And by the way, criticism of Islam (or any other set of religious beliefs) has nothing to do with racism.


What is Mash doing?

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