Well, she seems completely out of the loop.
I refer, of course, to Jeremy Paxman's interview with Harriet Harman. His news summary of the incident, 'Well, that was interesting' seemed suitably apt.
Interesting indeed. Take a look. (about 20mins in). Try not to laugh too much.
The hustings seemed to have kicked off last weekend with Hoon and Purnell both staking claims, much to the annoyance of Downing Street. Both, apparently, took to the new tactic of 'ducking'. Avoiding Gordon's calls until after the interviews were recorded.
It looks increasingly likely that Darling is to leave No. 11. He shall be replaced with Ed Balls. This isn't just for Ball's own greater sense of long term strategy but also I suspect an attempt to firm up Gordon's own base. Following the departure of McBride and shortly Tom Watson he shall face a difficult time without strong support.
Being Children's Secretary just isn't a strong enough position.
I also suspect it shall be an attempt to stave off the likes of Johnston and Miliband. So, in the game of fantasy cabinet re-shuffles who'll be going where? Well, Michael Crick of BBC Newsnight alluded to a number of rumours doing the rounds.
- Peter Mandelson shall move to the Foreign Office.
- David Miliband shall move to the Home Office. (Keep him sweet).
- Jacqui Smith shall return to the benchs.
- Alaister Darling shall then either go to Buisness and Enterprise or Childrens.
- James Purnell is also tipped to move across from his current responsibilies.
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