Well, TR predicted this would all happen. Yeap, the expenses saga well and truly arrived.
Look what happens the minute exam season starts. Only a minor revolution in Parliament. Some will say this is hyperbole. Bull shit.
The speaker has gone.
MPs are positively shitting themselves (just look at that gob-shite Hazel's responses today. She'll be lucky to be merely deselected. I swear she once oversaw prison reform. With any luck she can have a first hand experience).
Dave is having a field day, appearing slightly less doused in the shite than Gordon. Calls for an election seem the order of the day. Expect it to become a mantra.
Labour is in open rebellion. Watch things get even worse as the likes of Field and Co battle it out for the speakers role.
All of this and there's plenty more around the corner as individual MPs realise just how dangerous a popular mood of discontent will be. TR was slightly amazed to hear the predictions of at least 1/3 of the current MPs not returning after the next election.
And, to top things off today, Tory Bear have an excellent scoop - if it's true. Nick Brown, Brown's own enforcer, needs a bit more time with the tinernet. Oops.

All in all, the shit really is hitting the fan.