Well, he went a little funny in the head. You know. Just a little funny.
If you’ve never watched the film Doctor Strangelove then you should rectify
this immediately. TSE
9 hours ago
"The homes should not be ‘institution’ like, but at the same time there will be rules which must be adhered to; such as a curfew of approx 9pm, a dress code which states skirts must come to at least the knees & no cleavage to be on show".
“East Germany was not an accretion of strength but, rather, 12 enormous Liverpools, handed over to West Germany in a tatty cardboard box, with a great red ribbon round it, marked ‘From Russia with Love".
"Yet even this minister, no rebel, acknowledges that the mood could still change. Another Brown loyalist says the prime minister's position depends on the public, which, when you think about it, is hardly a ringing endorsement. A third loyalist says that if he thought Brown was dragging the party down, he would tell him he must do the decent thing and quit. One Labour official whom I texted yesterday for his current assessment of "the Gordon question" replied simply: "Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!""It remains to be seen yet whether those key players from the June reshuffle (and those not so key) will have anything like the gusto to swing the axe this time around, but watch this space....
"When Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, announced a U-turn on ID cards recently, he was only catching up with his civil servants. The Home Office had already delayed the contract to print the cards until October 2010, well after the election. At the Ministry of Defence, big procurement projects, including Trident, are on hold."And, rather like the dirty hussy at the office party, there is an increasing tendency for senior civil servants to sneak off for a quick fumble with the shadow minister.
"This is another nail in the coffin for the government's illiberal ID cards policy"