Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Confirmed: Tory lead still only 6pc

A lot of Tory folk got very excited last night when a YouGov poll seemed to suggest the Tories were back up into a double figure lead following Bullygate. 

However, Peter Kellner has confirmed the figures to be inaccurate. Rather, they show no difference between the set released on Saturday night. 

The fact that these figures have remained the same must come as a much needed break for Labour and a let down for the Tories - and Lib Dems. 

So, they stand as: 

CON:        39% (39) 
LAB:         33% (33) 
LIB DEM: 17% (17) 

However, caution, I suspect - although it might not be being taken 'as seriously' at the moment - the label of 'bully' might be seen to have a wider resonance - particularly with floating voters around the time of the election.

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