Friday, June 05, 2009

The state of play (tonight)

I've been cautious about doing one of these all afternoon, indeed I have spent most of this after
noon simply writing the '+++ XXX resigns +++'.

It's a sad state of affairs.

However, as the dust begins to settle, for tonight at least, it might be worth just taking a recap at who and why some of these ministers are leaving

Jacqui Smith - Former Home Secretary Arguably the point at which the rebellion gained momentum. It is now widely accepted that her departure was leaked by the next candidate.

Hazel Blears - Former Communities Secretary Following Brown's very public dressing down the former Communities Secretary snapped, telling Brown he had been unfair and ran a cowboy Cabinet.

James Purnell
- Former Work and Pensions Secretary Perhaps the most directly damaging resignation to date, Purnell's resignation came as a shock to Downing Street and demonstrated the level of dischord within the cabinet prior to any other moves.

John Hutton - Former Defence Secretary Hutton's resignation is perhaps the least damaging, informing us that he'd been planning to resign for 'weeks'. Focusing on his constituency, remember that phrase? He's a known Blairite with this famous phrase, 'Gordon would be a fucking awful Prime Minister'.

Geoff Hoon
- Former Transport Secretary Another 'friendly' resignation, still retaining some policy rolls.

Margaret Beckett -
Former Housing Minister Revenge after being fired by Gordon as Foreign Secretary?

Caroline Flint - Former Europe Minister Angered at not being offered a promotion after veherment loyalty, Flint announced that Gordon treated women as 'window dressing'.

Well, that's the total so-far. Undoutedly there'll be more to come.

Opps. Completely forgot, another name for the pile...

Tony McNulty -Former Employment Minister
Known Blairite who's said to have been annoyed for quite some time.

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