Thursday, March 04, 2010

Hansard Society: Trust in Parliament only falls by 1%

The Hansard Society have published an interesting report this morning. 

The '7th Audit of Political Engagement' provides refuffal to the idea of a 'collapse in political faith' following the expenses scandal. 

Amongst the reports findings, they concluded that: 

Almost three quarters (71%) of people questioned said that they had discussed MPs' expenses over the past year, compared to considerably less than half (41%) who said they had discussed politics or political news.

The survey found that 76% of the electorate believe it is their duty to vote, but just 54% are absolutely certain to do so in the general election

But, most significantly: 

26% of voters said they trust politicians generally – down just one point from the 27% recorded in 2004. Numbers saying they distrusted politicians rose by only three points over the same period from 70% to 73%.

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What is Mash doing?

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